1976, Art Net Rally poster.
Poster for Peter Cook’s Art Net Rally of 1976.
The AA Archives hold a wealth of historic posters advertising AA events, lectures, exhibitions and parties.
Dating from the 1960s onwards, these posters were designed by a combination of students, staff and departments such as the ‘Communications Unit’ run by Dennis Crompton in the 1970s and 80s.
The posters are currently being catalogued and digitised and will soon be available via the Archives’ online catalogue.
Poster for Peter Cook’s Art Net Rally of 1976.
Poster for Alison and Peter Smithson exhibition at Art Net, 1975.
Drake produced this poster in his final year at the AA before being recruited by Berthold Lubetkin to form Tecton in 1932.
Poster for the AA Projects Review of 1979-80, designed by the AA Communications Unit, under the leadership of Dennis Crompton.